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Christmas Movie Trivia Quiz for the Holidays – See What You Remember From a Year Ago

By TR Robertson
To get you in the holiday spirit as December approaches here’s a little fun trivia quiz to see how much you know about your favorite holiday movies. See how you can do, but don’t look at the answers until you try your best to see how many you can figure out. Happy Holidays and Good Luck.
1. What is the name of Rudolph’s dad?
a. Vixon
b. Dixon
c. Dasher
d. Donner
2. Who wrote “The Nightmare before Christmas”?
a. Alfred Hitchcock
b. Martin Scorsese
c. Steven Spielberg
d. Tim Burton
3. The Rabbit in the magic hat in “Frosty the Snowman” is named?
a. Scut Farcus
b. Little Grinch
c. Hocus Pocus
d. Rabbit Claus
4. What is the Guardian Angel of George Bailey named in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
a. Mike
b. Clarence
c. Robert
d. Jim
5. What did Ralphie want for Christmas in “Christmas Story”?
a. A remote controlled car
b. A BB rifle
c. A bow & arrow
d. A play station
6. What is Scrooge’s first name?
a. Maxwell
b. Ebenezer
c. Bruce
d. Martin
7. Why was the Grinch so nasty? Because he had a …….
a. Broken leg
b. Small brain
c. Small heart
d. Crooked knee
8. In what city did “Miracle on 34th Street” take place?
a. Atlantic City
b. Atlanta
c. New York City
d. Boston
9. What did the Guardian Angel get for accomplishing his mission in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?
a. A trumpet
b. Wings
c. A halo
d. A crown
10. Two men broke into a house at Christmas and ran into a lot of trouble dealing with a young boy young boy in what movie?
a. Santa Claus Two
b. Christmas with the Kranks
c. Home Alone
d. Christmas Vacation
11. In what state does “A Christmas Story” take place?
a. Florida
b. Maine
c. Indiana
d. New York
12. In “Elf”, what is Will Farrell’s name?
a. Sammy
b. Tony
c. Will
d. Buddy
13. In “Miracle on 34th Street”, what is the name of the department store that employs Kris Kringle?
a. Sears
b. JC Penney
c. Costco
d. Macy’s
14. In “Christmas Vacation”, how long has Eddie been unemployed?
a. 10 years
b. 5 years
c. 7 years
d. 3 years
15. What Christmas movie is playing in the background as the Griswold’s put up their tree?
a. “It’s A Wonderful Life”
b. “White Christmas”
c. “Miracle on 34th Street”
d. “Nightmare Before Christmas”
16. What is the name of the elf Dudley Moore plays in “Santa Claus – The Movie”?
a. Barney
b. Patch
c. Willy
d. Horace
17. Who plays the villain in “Santa Claus – the Movie”?
a. Bruce Willis
b. Denzel Washington
c. John Lithgow
d. John Goodman
18. In “Scrooged”, how many of Bill Murray’s brothers appear in the movie”?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 0
19. What is the name of Bill Murray’s character in “Scrooged”?
a. Frank Cross
b. Sam Cross
c. Chris Cross
d. Harley Cross
20. In the “Nightmare Before Christmas”, what are the names of the trio of characters asked to kidnap Sandy Claws?
a. Easy, Peasy, Sneezy
b. One, Two, Three
c. Lock, Shock, Barrel
d. Cassy, Sassy, Nasty
21. Who voices the conductor in “Polar Express”?
a. Benedict Cumberbatch
b. J.K. Simmons
c. Tom Hanks
d. Mel Gibson
22. In “The Santa Clause”, what restaurant does Tim Allen take his son to for Christmas Eve dinner?
a. Coco’s
b. Denny’s
c. Marie Callender’s
d. Bob’s Big Boy
23. What is the name of the head elf in “The Santa Clause”?
a. Bobby
b. Benny
c. Buster
d. Bernard
24. What is the name of the inn in the 1954 film “white Christmas”?
a. The Columbia Inn
b. The Shilo Inn
c. The Rigley Inn
d. The Sommerset Inn
25. What is the top grossing Christmas movie, in today’s dollars, of all time?
a. “The Polar Express”
b. “Home Alone”
c. “Elf”
d. “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”

Bonus questions
A. In “Christmas Vacation”, what is Clark’s cousin’s name and the cousin’s wife’s and what are the names of his two children?
a. Sam & Evelyn – Joe & Cindy
b. Joe & Ruby – Billy & Carolyn
c. Eddie & Catherine – Rocky & Ruby Sue
d. Herbert & Cindy – Justin – Cindy Lee

B. In “Christmas Vacation”, what is Clark’s wife’s name and the names of his two children?
a. Georgia – Joe & Cindy
b. Ellen – Rusty & Audrey
c. Carolyn – Bernie & Cynthia
d. Leslie – Chris & Briana

Answers –
1. Donner, 2. Tim Burton, 3. Hocus Pocus, 4. Clarence, 5. A BB rifle, 6. Ebenezer, 7. Small heart 8. New York City, 9. Wings, 10. Home Alone 11. Indiana 12.Buddy 13. Macy’s 14. 7 years 15. “It’s a Wonderful Life” 16. Patch 17. John Lithgow 18. 3 19. Frank Cross 20. Lock, Shock, Barrel 21. Tom Hanks 22. Denny’s 23. Bernard 24. The Columbia Inn 25. “Home Alone”

Bonus questions – A. Eddie & Catherine – Rocky and Ruby Sue, B. Ellen – Rusty & Cynthia

Tom Robertson
Tom Robertson
Tom and his wife Caroline have been North County residents for over 40 years. They have 2 sons, 2 grandchildren and many furry grandchildren. Tom taught at Carlsbad High School for over 40 years. Tom and Caroline have traveled extensively around the world.
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