City of Carlsbad Coastal Fire Station Moves Forward


The City of Carlsbad is making progress on plans for a temporary Fire Station 7 along the coast, part of an overall City Council goal to ensure fire and emergency medical services are ready to meet the community’s changing needs as the city’s demographics and population changes.

The long term plan is to build a permanent station west of I-5 and the railroad tracks, but the Fire Department is able to stand up a temporary station in the meantime so an additional fire crew is available to respond to calls along the coast.
Fire Station 2 is currently being rebuilt, which required the city to create temporary structures to house the fire crew for that station in the parking lot of nearby Dove Library. When Fire Station 2 is complete later this year, the city can relocate the structures to serve as a temporary Fire Station 7.
Project details

The city is finalizing a license agreement with NRG to use a portion of the old power plant site for the temporary station.
A warehouse and administration building were previously located at this site, but the warehouse has already been demolished and the administration building is coming down soon.
Two other nearby properties were initially considered but were ruled out for a variety of reasons, including environmental concerns and the additional time it would take to get them ready.

In May 2021, the Fire Department completed a “Standards of Cover” evaluation, looking at current and future emergency response needs based on Carlsbad’s size, demographics and other factors. The evaluation found that to meet industry standards, the Fire Department needed a seventh fire station, ideally west of I-5 and the railroad tracks, as well as more ambulances and personnel.

Under the work plan, the goal is to have the temporary station in place by January 2023. On Tuesday, city staff shared new details about the project with the City Council.

The temporary station will be created using two city-owned moveable buildings – a trailer and a “Sprung” structure – that are currently being used for temporary Fire Station 2. (Sprung is the brand name for a type of moveable building made of heavy fabric that’s stretched tightly over a frame.)
Once moved to the NRG location, the “Sprung” structure building would be expanded from 1,600 square feet to 3,200 square feet to hold needed equipment, vehicles and supplies. The city will also acquire an additional trailer to serve as sleeping quarters.
During Tuesday’s project update, the City Council allocated an additional $922,000 in funding to cover changes to the project since the $900,000 estimate was approved last summer.
The additional funding will cover the cost to lease the property and put in required infrastructure, among other needs.

Why it’s important

Based on Carlsbad’s current population and demographics, the city needs a seventh fire station, more personnel and additional resources to meet current and future emergency response needs.

This would also be the city’s first fire station west of Interstate 5 and the railroad tracks, two major transportation corridors that could be impacted in the event of a wide-scale emergency or natural disaster.

The temporary station would remain in place until a permanent station could be built. That could happen between 2026 and 2028, depending on several factors, including identifying a site and getting voter approval to spend money to build it. Carlsbad has a law that certain projects over $1 million must get voter approval in advance.

Meanwhile, the Fire Department has already taken several steps since the fiscal year began on July 1, 2021, to meet the goal outlined by the City Council:

Purchased two new ambulances that were put into service on Jan. 6, 2022, bringing the total number of city ambulances to five.
Hired nine new paramedic firefighters, three new full-time emergency medical technicians, and some additional part-time EMTs, who came on board in October 2021.
Converted an office in Fire Station 6 to a bedroom to accommodate the increase in personnel. That project was completed in September 2021.
Reconstruction of Fire Station 2 in La Costa is under way and expected to be complete in fall 2022, with a larger, more efficient building that can better accommodate crews and equipment.
Next steps

City staff are currently working with NRG’s staff on a license agreement that would allow the city to use the site. Various items related to the project will come back before the City Council over the next several months.

The project will also require a coastal development permit from the California Coastal Commission. That’s expected by late summer 2022. Once the permit is in hand the City Council can award a construction contract.

Construction of the station, including moving the temporary structures to the property, would take place between October 2022 and January 2023.

More information
Fire Department Improvements webpage