City of Carlsbad Meeting to Discuss Future of McCLellan-Palomar Airport 6/19


The City of Carlsbad will hold a public meeting to discuss how city officials and the community can work together to influence the future of McClellan-Palomar Airport, which is owned and operated by the County of San Diego and largely under the jurisdiction of the Federal Aviation Administration.

McLellan-Palomar Airport Meeting Tuesday, June 19, 2018, 6 to 9 p.m.
City of Carlsbad, Faraday Administration Center, 1635 Faraday Ave.

After receiving input during the county’s recent public review process for its draft airport master plan, the City Council directed staff at its April 10 meeting to:

Enter into discussions with the County of San Diego over future airport operations and facilities.
Initiate a stakeholder dialogue to identify and understand community concerns and priorities about airport operations and facilities.
Develop and implement an action plan to guide the city’s approach related to the airport in the future.

The master plan is a blueprint for future development of the airport, which includes adding safety features at the west end of the runway, extending the runway to the east of the property and reconfiguring the tarmac and taxiway areas for better operational efficiency.

In preparing its formal comments on the airport master plan and draft environmental impact report, the city hired attorneys specializing in airport and land use issues. These attorneys will be available at the meeting to suggest different strategies related to the airport, answer questions and provide information, although they may not disclose certain privileged legal strategies provided to the City Council or provide legal advice to community members.

Topics to be discussed at the community meeting are not limited to the master plan.

“We would like to make sure we have a solid understanding of community concerns about the airport and gauge interest in some different approaches to addressing those concerns,” said Jason Haber. “We will hear examples from other cities that that have successfully protected quality of life for the community while hosting an airport that meets the needs of local travelers, businesses and aviation enthusiasts. That’s our goal too.”

After the June 19 meeting, City staff will return to the City Council to present a potential strategy for consideration.

Source documents:
Final comments submitted to the County of San Diego March 16, 2018
March 13, 2018, draft comments presented to the City Council (starts on page 255)
March 13, 2018, presentation to the City Council re proposed comments
Feb. 20, 2018 City Council staff report (starts on page 40)
County of San Diego Jan. 30, 2018, public meeting presentation
Jan. 30, 2018, presentation with narration
Draft master plan document
Draft environmental impact report (scroll to middle of the page)
1980 conditional use permit

For more information
Jason Haber, 760-434-2820 or

Media contact
Kristina Ray, email or text 760-828-0509