City of Escondido COVID 19 Update


The City of Escondido is taking steps to follow the Governor’s and the County Public Health Officer’s orders about limiting large gatherings. Our Continuity of Operations Plan is in place to ensure that essential City functions can continue to operate safely during this time. These restrictions will remain in effect until further notice.
California governor issues statewide stay at home order effective March 19, 2020:

Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a stay at home order to protect the health and well-being of all Californians and to establish consistency across the state in order to slow the spread of COVID-19. What does that mean? Find more information here.

Emergency services are fully operational:

Emergency services, including Fire Department and Police services, are fully operational.

General Updates – Updated Wednesday, March 25, 2020
•A Declaration of Local Emergency has been signed by Escondido City Manager Jeffrey Epp. As a result, the City is now able to enact emergency powers, as well as potentially gain access to federal and state relief funds. This declaration was ratified by the Escondido City Council on Wednesday, March 18, 2020.
•The City of Escondido’s Emergency Operations Center has been activated and is staffed to monitor the COVID-19 situation.

City Program and Facility Closures

City Facilities
•City Hall is closed to the public until further notice. Many City services can be accessed online: Community members who need to make cash utility billing payments should deposit them into the Utility Billing Drop Box located in the circle driveway at City Hall. ◦Time sensitive services such as building plan approval, engineering design review, etc. can now be done by appointment by calling: ◾Planning: 760-839-4671
◾Building: 760-839-4647
◾Code Enforcement: 760-839-4650
◾Field Engineering:
◾City Clerk: Claims can be mailed to Escondido City Hall: 201 North Broadway, Escondido, CA, 92025

•The Park Avenue Community Center (located at 210 East Park Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025) is closed until further notice but the Senior Nutrition Program will remain in place with the following adjustments: ◦Senior Nutrition has transitioned to delivery and pick-up of meals only. Meals will be available for pick-up at the Park Avenue Community Center and are free for current Senior Nutrition participants 60 and over. To RSVP for meal delivery call: 760-839-4803.

•The Escondido Public Library is closed until further notice. ◦All due dates have been extended until May 1. No overdue fees will accrue until further notice. The book drops have been locked outside the Library facility.

•Dixon Lake campground reservations and fishing will be closed until further notice. Lake Wohlford will be closed for fishing until further notice. Residents and visitors may still visit the lakes and grounds for recreation activities (such as hiking or mountain biking) as long as they practice social distancing.
•The Escondido Police and Fire Headquarters lobby will be closed to the public until further notice. If you have a scheduled appointment please use the courtesy phone located at the entrance and a staff member will assist you.
•The Public Works Administration Lobby will be closed to the public until further notice. Staff will be on-site to assist with time sensitive business.
•The East Valley Community Center will remain closed until further notice.
•The Escondido Sports Center will remain closed until further notice.
•All play structures and tennis facilities are closed until further notice.
•Queen Califia’s Magical Circle is closed until further notice.
•Disk Golf at Kit Carson Park is closed until further notice. ◦Kit Carson Park and all other open spaces remain open for recreation.

Public Meetings

The following meetings have been canceled and will resume on their regular schedule:

•Budget Community Meeting – March 31

•Community Advisory Groups – various dates through the end of March

The following meetings will still happen but extra precautions will be put into place to protect the health of those in attendance:

City Council Meeting – March 25

•Pursuant to Governor Newsom’s Executive Order N-25-20: Members of the Escondido City Council and staff may participate in this meeting via teleconference. In the interest of reducing the spread of COVID-19, members of the public are encouraged to submit their comments online at the following link: Those attending the meeting in person will be required to maintain appropriate social distancing.
•Public Comment: To submit comments in writing, please do so at the following link: If you would like to have the comment read out loud at the meeting (not to exceed three minutes), please write “Read Out Loud” in the subject line and submit the comment by 4:00 p.m. on March 25, 2020. All comments received from the public will be made a part of the record of the meeting.
•The meeting will be available for viewing via public television on Cox Communications Channel 19 (Escondido only). The meeting will also be live streamed online at the following link:

Special Events/Recreation and Library Programming/Tournaments
The following events have been canceled until further notice:

•All recreation and Library programming

•Permitted special events

•All outside City facility rentals

•Youth and adult sporting events and tournaments

•City organized volunteer events

•ASES After School Program and Tiny Tots Preschool Program

If you have specific questions about classes and events, contact

Supporting Local Businesses

•Consider purchasing a gift card at your favorite local business or restaurant to use at a later date. ◦Support Our Local Restaurant Businesses

•The Innovate78 cities (Carlsbad, Escondido, San Marcos, Oceanside & Vista) have put together information to help you respond to these issues for your business and employees. Any new or additional information will be posted on the Innovate78 website here, so check back frequently.

Additional Information
•Water from the City of Escondido is safe for drinking and other everyday uses. The City of Escondido’s water treatment system continues to function normally. Similar to the flu and the common cold, COVID-19 is not spread through treated water supplies. The Utilities Department takes great care to anticipate many types of emergencies and is prepared to put into action the steps needed to continue the rigorous process of treating and distributing water to our customers. At this time, the drinking water provided by the City of Escondido continues to be safe and reliable.

•If you have experienced wage or job loss, United Way is in a position to provide economic resources to assist. As part of the San Diego Community Response Fund, United Way has started the San Diego Worker Assistance Imitative. For more information, please visit:

California Volunteers

Learn about ways for Californians to help their community during these difficult times by visiting the California Volunteers website: