City of San Marcos Bags N’ Brews


Bags N’ Brews is a unique event to the City of San Marcos and run in partnership with the Friends of San Marcos Parks and Recreation. The event will incorporate a cornhole tournament with divisions for beginners and advance players, with a total prize pool of $1500, while also offering local craft brews, a DJ, food trucks and children’s activities. Registered teams receive one free drink ticket per player. Click the link below to register your team today.

Tournament Breakdown:

Double elimination tournament, teams are guaranteed two games.

Teams Check In Begins at 11:00am, tournament will tentatively start at noon.

Tournment Rules


Competitive Division

1st: $1000, Six Pack, 2 Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster

2nd: $250, Six Pack, 2 Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster

3rd: $150, Six Pack, 2 Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster

Recreational Division

1st: $100, City Branded Cornhole Board, Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster

2nd: 2 Bags N Brews Sweatshirts, Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster

3rd: 2 Bags n Brews T-Shirts, Metal Solo Cups & Cork Coaster