Construction on Douglas Dr. / N. River Road Next Three Months

What is the Work Schedule?


Work is underway on the Pure Water Oceanside facility and recycled water pipelines under Douglas Drive and North River Road. Construction preparation has also begun on Pala Road and Coco Palms Drive.

Cones are set up to redirect traffic and workers are helping vehicles safely access nearby neighborhoods and businesses when needed. The work that affects Douglas Drive and North River Road is expected to be complete in December 2020. Traffic delays continue to be anticipated and alternative routes are suggested. Online map assistance, like Google, provide good alternative detours to avoid delays.

Click here or on the map above to view to an interactive online version of the map
In addition to the pipeline installation work, up to three water wells will be drilled at specific locations on Coco Palms Drive. Each site will be surrounded by 16-feet-high sound walls to minimize noise. Drilling work is expected to take three weeks and occur 24-hours a day. This work is planned to begin between October and November 2020. Residents within 500 feet of this project will be mailed a more detailed invite to attend a project meeting for more information.

Click here to view the new dedicated construction webpage which includes a link to an interactive map showing the construction area.
We’d like to express our appreciation to the community living and working near the construction sites. Thank you for your patience!