County Gets $1.7 Million to House People with Disabilities


By José A. Álvarez, County of San Diego Communications Office
The County Health and Human Services Agency was awarded more than $1.7 million in federal funds to house people with disabilities.

The $1,753,026 comes from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which awarded more than $130 million to 325 housing authorities across the nation. The County was one of 25 California counties and cities, including Oceanside, to receive this type of federal housing grants.

“This is great news for our region,” said David Estrella, director of HHSA’s Housing and Community Development Services. “These funds will strengthen the County’s ongoing efforts to help people experiencing homelessness secure a stable place to live.”

With these federal funds, the County will issue 138 housing vouchers to non-elderly people — ages 18 to 62 — with disabilities. Other programs and vouchers are available for people with disabilities over the age of 62.

The funds come from HUD’s Mainstream Housing Choice Voucher Program, which provides money to housing agencies throughout the nation to assist non-elderly persons with disabilities, particularly those who are:
•Transitioning out of institutional or other separated settings and are at serious risk of institutionalization
•Currently experiencing homelessness
•Previously experienced homelessness and currently live in permanent supportive housing or rapid rehousing project
•At risk of becoming homeless

It is anticipated that the County will begin selecting applicants and issuing these new housing vouchers in early 2020, depending on award effective date.

Non-elderly people with disabilities will be selected from the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Waiting List according to program requirements. Information on how to apply for these vouchers can be found at or by calling (877) 478-5478.

José A. Álvarez is a communications specialist with the County of San Diego Communications Office.