Deputies Serenade Seniors Living Alone


No hellos. No one to share a laugh. No visitors until a San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Senior Volunteer shows up. We want our senior and disabled residents to know they are never alone even during a global pandemic.

The Sheriff’s You Are Not Alone (YANA) program remains in operation despite the stay home orders. To comply with social distancing, senior volunteers check on YANA members with daily phone calls. This helps us stay connected, as well as check on anything they might need from food to medicine and groceries. If they don’t answer our phone calls, a deputy conducts a welfare check to make sure the YANA member is not sick, injured or in need of help such as a medical distress or fall.

We understand this health crisis can be isolating. That’s why we decided to spread some cheer while observing social distancing. Deputies serenaded YANA members in Poway and
San Marcos. To watch and download the heartwarming videos for broadcast or stories online,

For more information on the Sheriff’s You Are Not Alone program, visit