Escondido Fire Department Update


On August 28, Escondido Fire sent a crew of four firefighters staffing the brush engine from Station # 4 (Bear Valley) as mutual aid to help contain a vegetation fire near Scripps Poway Parkway. Although the fire threatened homes, it was controlled in a couple of hours with no damage to structures. The crew returned to quarters later that evening.

Recently, HARRF and Water Department personnel assisted with the re-installation of the newly refurbished pump and motor at the training tower at Fire Station #1. The pump and motor were completely refurbished while we awaited the delivery of a new system controller. The Fire Department appreciates the expertise and assistance from utilities staff to complete the project and get our training facility back in service so critical training can resume.

On August 31, Escondido Fire deployed the OES brush engine with four firefighters from Station #6 (Del Dios) to the Border Fire 32 in Barrett junction near the California/Mexico border. The 4,500-acre fire was contained Sunday, September 4, and our crew returned home safely.

On September 1, firefighters responded to a reported vegetation fire in the area of Jesmond Dene Park. The first arriving engine crew found a large smoldering tree. The area was overhauled thoroughly, and the cause of the fire is under investigation.

Also, on September 1, firefighters responded to a natural gas leak in the front yard of a home on North Ash Street where workers digging a trench broke a natural gas line. Firefighters secured the area, had neighbors shelter in place, monitored the gas levels in the air, and stood by with deployed hose lines until SDG&E arrived to clamp the line shut. This incident could have been prevented had the workers called “811”or used “DigAlert” to identify the exact location of the natural gas lines.

On September 3, firefighters responded along with police to a single vehicle accident on southbound Centre City Parkway just south of the Highway 78 off-ramp. The vehicle struck a power box, dislodged it and caused a fire within the box. The exposed electrical equipment was actively arcing in close proximity to the car and a chain link fence that ran the length of the property. Crews verified the car was not energized and extricated the injured driver who was transported to the hospital. Firefighters kept the fire in check using a CO2 fire extinguisher until SDG&E arrived and de-energized the electrical box.

The annual “Guns and Hoses”event took place on Saturday, September 3. Fourteen participants spend the first half of the day with the Police Department and then the Fire Department hosted in the afternoon at our training facility at Station #1 (Quince). Despite the heat, working with the engine, truck and ambulance crews, participants performed a variety of fire related skills including:

5-story rappel from the training tower

Rescue of a simulated trapped victim on an upper level of the tower

In team of two, responding on a fire engine Code 3 to a simulated fire scene, deploying hose and flowing water

Forced entry and performing a search for victims on using thermal imaging cameras (TIC) under blacked out conditions

The participants had a great time, regardless of the heat, and they learned a lot about firefighting and rescue operations. It was a pleasure hosting this event!