Escondido Mayor Dane White Discusses Major Issues at Escondido Government Affairs Committee


By TR Robertson
The monthly Greater Escondido Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee and guest attendees heard a presentation from Escondido Mayor Dane White on the major issues facing the city at this time. The meeting began with welcomes from Chris Cochran, Entertainment Director for the Chamber and Escondido Chamber CEO James Rowten who also went over several of the upcoming events the Chamber has planned. They encouraged people to go to the Chambers web site for more information. Chris introduced Committee Chair Corrine Busta, Manager, Government Affairs, Cox Communications. Corrine then introduced Escondido Mayor Dane White. Mayor White began by stating he has three main issues to discuss which included SANDAG, homelessness in Escondido and Escondido’s Economic Development. As a member of SANDAG’s committee he was happy to report that the Regional Road User Charge has been removed from the Regional Plan. The vote was overwhelming to pull this plan which has gone through a lengthy battle from those that feel charging motorists for every mile they drive is a viable way to deter motorists from using their vehicles and turning to optional means of transportation.

Next on the Mayor’s agenda was the continued discussion on how to deal with homeless in cities, specifically homeless in Escondido. He said a subcommittee has been created to come up with some options for the city, especially since there has been no clear plan put together in dealing with this problem. He outlined three policies he wants to implement including: 1) No parking of RV’s as places of residence on public streets, 2) Beginning a change in the way service providers provide information about the homeless to the city, and 3) Looking at an Encampment ban similar to the one started in the City of San Diego. He went over a plan that Huntington Beach uses for shelters for the homeless, but he also said the money Huntington Beach has to work with is significantly higher than anything Escondido can start. He did state that he has a goal of getting 50% of the homeless in Escondido off of the streets and into some short of shelter situation.

Next on Mayor White’s agenda centered around discussing Escondido’s current Economic Development and the need for establishing ways to increase the income for the city. He said regulations for street vendors, including requiring permits from the city, are needed. The Mayor said they want to follow the state guidelines but establish a way to control the street vendors. Next he discussed the need for a permitting process for Airbnb’s in the city. Issues like taxing needs to be addressed as well as the noise levels associated with these places. The Mayor also said the parklets in the downtown area were a good idea during COVID and have increased the occupancy for restaurants as well as offering an outdoor option, but now there needs to be a permitting process designed for the continued allowances of these parklets. The vacancy of buildings and property was next on his lists, saying these properties and sites need to be registered and fees assigned as an incentive for owners to fill and use the property bringing needed income to the city. The Mayor also listed five options to bring in needed revenue for the city, each being a tax that would have to go through a balloting process. He also went through whether or not these were good options for the city.

1) Impose an Escondido Sales Tax – not an option; 2) Utility Users Tax – not an option, 3) Parcel Tax – not an option, 4) Increase Transient Occupancy Tax – a slight possibility, 5) Allow Cannabis Dispensaries – possibility, town hall discussions would be needed. Other options to control the revenue deficits would be looking at making cuts to The Center for the Arts, Libraries, etc. if funding is not increased in the city. A short question and answer session followed the Mayor’s presentation.

Next on the agenda included various reports from officials and community organizations.
Alan Pellacani from Congressman Darrell Issa’s Office reported there is a strong possibility for a government shutdown beginning Sunday.
Marc Schaefer from State Senator Brian Jones Office reported the Legislature is in recess. He did report on several bills that did not pass and said their will be an open house next week in Scripps Ranch for their new office.
From Supervisor Jim Desmond’s Office, it was reported that the Supervisors have declared the situation at the border a Humanitarian Crisis. The Supervisor is also starting a Communications Barrier Program.
Jennifer Schoeneck from the City of Escondido spoke about the Economic Development 5-year Plan.
A representative from Classical Academy spoke about the success of the school’s girls flag football team.
Tedi Jackson from the Water District said the San Diego County Water Authority said the upgrading of the structures and pipelines in the area are underway.
David Zumaya from SBDC invited everyone to their Entrepreneur Seminar Oct. 13th from 8-12.
The next Escondido Chamber Government Affairs meeting will be October 26th at the Chamber Offices.