Escondido Police Bitcoin Fraud Investigation


Bitcoin Fraud Investigation
Last week, officers responded to a fraud victim who stated she received an email that she owed money to PayPal. The victim contacted the phone number provided in the email and spoke to a “representative” who advised her computer had been hacked and they would refund the money she owed. The suspects remotely accessed the victim’s computer and told her she needed to transfer $18,000 into a Bitcoin ATM to return the funds. The victim went to the Bitcoin ATM and deposited the funds as directed. The victim realized she was scammed when she checked her bank account later and saw no deposit had been made from PayPal. Detectives from Crimes of Property responded to assist with the cas and authorized a search warrant to access the Bitcoin ATM and recover the funds. When the owners of the ATM were less than cooperative in assisting, a judge approved a search warrant, and a locksmith assisted in accessing the machine. The detectives were happily able to re-unite the victim with her money.

GO SLOW in ESCO Reminder
Last week, officers responded to a hit and run collision. A vehicle had sheared off a fire hydrant in one of our intersections and then fled the scene. While the picture has a lot of beauty, several thousands of gallons of water were lost as a result of this collision. It is just one more reminder that we all need to GO SLOW In ESCO and prevent these incidents.

Community Resources

• Anonymous Tip Line: 760-743-8477 (TIPS)
• Crime Data/Mapping:
• Helicopter Announcement Transcription:
o Call 858-866-4356 or text “Hello” to 858-866-4356
• Megan’s Law Information:
• Mental Health & Crisis Intervention:
o Access and Crisis Line: 888-724-7240
o It’s Up to Us Campaign:
o Get Connected. Get Help: Dial 211
• National Drug Helpline: or call 844-289-0879
• Non-Emergency Line: 760-839-4722