Tuesday, June 25, 2024
HomeEscondidoEscondido's Police Update

Escondido’s Police Update

On May 16 Target hosted this year’s first Coffee with a Cop event where several members of the Police Department had an opportunity to meet with and engage the community over coffee and it was a very positive and well- received event.

Later that same day, in honor of Law Enforcement Appreciation, our amazing and gracious friends from Bimbo Bakery here in Escondido rolled out the red carpet and BBQ’d lunch for everyone at Police Headquarters. It was an incredibly generous and kind gesture that goes to show how wonderful our relationship is with our community and business partners.

On May 18, Retired EPD Lt. Al Owens and the Escondido Police Officers Care Foundation and Escondido Police Athletic League (PAL) had their annual fundraiser at Vintana where the numbers are still coming in, but likely exceeded their fundraising goal for the coming year. The very next day, Al and his team at PAL hosted some Escondido students and families by taking them to the San Diego Legion Rugby game. Another example of great people making great things happen for the community.

Community Resources

• Anonymous Tip Line: 760-743-8477 (TIPS)
• Crime Data/Mapping: https://www.crimemapping.com/
• Helicopter Announcement Transcription:
o Call 858-866-4356 or text “Hello” to 858-866-4356
• Megan’s Law Information: https://www.meganslaw.ca.gov/
• Mental Health & Crisis Intervention:
o Access and Crisis Line: 888-724-7240
o It’s Up to Us Campaign: www.Up2sd.org
o Get Connected. Get Help: Dial 211

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Board of Directors Vista Chamber of Commerce, Member Carlsbad Chamber Commerce Married to Kathy Woods for 47 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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