OTC presents the first full staging of Manny and the Wise Queens written by Idris Goodwin and directed by Jacole Kitchen December 6 to December 22, introducing audiences to the small town of Bethlehem, U.SA., where a bright star draws distant visitors to usher in a new era one December night in 2020. The gift-bearing travelers (the three wise men/kings) have taken a break and now it’s time for the wise queens to get the job done. Two wise queens find themselves in the attic of Manny, a depressed recent high school graduate, who has locked himself away to escape the remnants of holiday cheer in his quarantined town. Luckily with their sudden arrival, they provide a potential key to Manny’s deliverance in this comedic celebration of hope, healing, and holiday magic.
Performance Dates:
Opening Night Reception: December 7 at 7 pm
Fridays at 8 pm, Saturdays at 2 pm (except first weekend) & 8 pm, Sundays at 2 pm