Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]
Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]
Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]
Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]
Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]
Directed by Kevin “Blax” Burroughs, the Southern California Premiere of Chicken & Biscuits by Douglas Lyons March 8th through March 24th, reveals the rivalry between sisters Baneatta and Beverly when they come together to bury their father. Between Beverly’s flaunting of her “blessings” at the chapel, the accompaniment of Baneatta’s son by his neurotic Jewish […]