VISTA, CA – Registration for the City of Vista’s fall youth sports programs is underway with spots open for Girls Volleyball and Flag Football. Register at the Recreation Office of the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Dr., from 10:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m, or online at vistarecreation.com. For more information, call 760.643.5273.

Youth Volleyball

Girls in grades fifth through eighth may register for a recreational volleyball league that includes player development and games. Registration fees are $92 for vista residents and $111 for non-residents. The season runs Aug. – Nov. with all practices and games held at the Jim Porter Recreation Center, 1200 Vale Terrace Dr. Participants learn setting, bumping and serving skills during the instructional phase leading up to league play. All participants will receive a uniform and participation award.

Youth Flag Football

Boys and Girls in grades first through eight are invited to play flag football in a non-competitive program with player development and games. Participants are broken down into four separate leagues by age: Tiny (grades one through second), Longhorn (grades three and four), Panther (grades five and six), and Aztec (grades seven and eight). Practices and games are held at the Vista Sports Park 1600 Sports Park Way. Registration fees are $92 for vista residents and $111 for non-residents. The season runs from Sept – Nov. Participants will learn fundamentals of the game leading up to league play. All participants will receive a uniform and participation award.


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