Fatality Metrolink Train vs. Pedestrian Collision


On December 8, 2019, at approximately 1440 hours, deputies from the Sheriff’s Transit Enforcement Unit responded to a report of an Amtrak Metrolink Train vs. pedestrian collision. The incident occurred on the railroad tracks, at the pedestrian crosswalk near 290 Seagaze Drive, in the city of Oceanside.

A southbound Amtrak Metrolink Train was traveling at approximately 40 miles per hour when the engineer observed a Hispanic female adult, between the ages of 30-40 years old, walk onto the track beyond the guarded pedestrian crossing. The female was observed standing on the track, facing the oncoming train. The train sounded its warning horn to alert the female, but the female remained in the pathway of the oncoming train. The train was unfortunately unable to stop before fatally striking the female. The female was pronounced dead at the scene. Anyone with information about this case can call the Sheriff’s Department’s non-emergency line at (858) 565-5200.

Source of Information: Jason Burk, Sheriff’s Department, Transit Enforcement Unit.