Final Week to Provide Feedback on the General Plan Update Draft Proposed Land Use Map


The City of San Marcos continues to seek community feedback as we update our General Plan. The General Plan serves as the guiding document for achieving the community’s vision for the future, and the General Plan Update process offers residents and businesses the opportunity to provide input to help shape the direction of the City going forward.

Get Involved: Provide General Comments or Complete the Online Survey
We need to hear from community members like you to confirm that the Draft Proposed Land Use Map represents a desirable vision for the future of San Marcos. We invite you to provide general comments or complete an online survey to record feedback on specific parcels. Please provide all comments by Dec. 16, 2022, at 5:00 pm.

The City Council is expected to consider the Draft Proposed Land Use Map in early 2023. For more information on the City’s General Plan Update process, please visit