Fitness Court® Breaking Ground in Kit Carson Park


In the Fall of 2019 the City was selected by the National Fitness Campaign (NFC) as one of 200 locations nationwide to open the world’s best free outdoor gym — the Fitness Court®. The Fitness Court® is an outdoor bodyweight circuit training system that provides a full-body workout to people of all ability levels. With 7 functional fitness zones, the Fitness Court® can be used in thousands of ways. The National Fitness Campaign is one of the fastest-growing outdoor health and wellness networks in the country, now operating in over 75 cities and colleges across the Nation. By the end of 2020, the program will be thriving in over 400 communities across 40 states.

On top of that, we are thrilled to announce that we have been designated the first Model City in the region, which means we will be installing five Fitness Courts® throughout Escondido, and will be part of a greater network of Fitness Court® across the County and Southern California. The City Council approved a Capital Improvement Project in FY 2020-21 to build the next two Fitness Courts®.