Grant Secured for Vista Townsite “Complete Street” Project


The City received a $4 million grant to build sidewalks, traffic circles, bike lanes and crosswalks on Townsite and W. Los Angeles Drive. The infrastructure project is located along the entire length of Townsite Drive, W. Los Angeles Drive between N. Santa Fe Avenue and Waxwind Drive and N. Santa Fe Avenue between California Avenue and Bobier Drive.

The City of Vista submitted a grant for the entire length of Townsite Drive and other streets in July, 2018. The State Active Transportation Program funding will be used for the Townsite Drive “Complete Street” project grant to also construct curb extensions, high visibility crosswalks, green bike lane extensions through intersections and two mid-block pedestrian traffic signals on N. Santa Fe Avenue.

Last year, the City held community workshops to gather input on safe pedestrian access. As the project moves forwards, more information will be posted.


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