How Justine Celebrated her First Christmas at Solutions for Change


Justine celebrated her first Christmas at Solutions for Change in 2017 after struggling with drugs, alcohol and homelessness for years. She was so excited to decorate for the holidays for the very first time, and when her son, Morrisey, saw the Christmas lights and toys under the tree, he said his very first word, “Wow!”

Justine had plenty of other firsts that year, too: Her first apartment, first time paying rent, first year doing daily tasks like grocery shopping, and the first time she felt connected to a community in a very long time.

Since that first Christmas four years ago, Justine graduated from Solutions Academy and now works as an Empowerment Coach, helping new residents through their own Solutions journey. She radiates positivity and takes on each day with a sense of purpose and genuine desire to create change.

Help families like Justine’s create more firsts this holiday season! With your charitable donation, they will have the chance to reunite with loved ones, open gifts, and create new and lasting traditions.