Human Trafficking Bill Passes Assembly Appropriations Committee


SACRAMENTO – Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) released the following statement on the passage of Senate Bill 14 from the Assembly Appropriations Committee with minor amendments.
“I want to thank the Assembly Appropriations Committee members who stood today in defense of the victims of child sex trafficking and voted to let SB 14 out of committee. This bill has strong bipartisan support with 64 coauthors from both parties and both houses. Protecting victims of child sex trafficking should not be a partisan issue. Today is a victory for every survivor. I am confident most members of the Assembly want to vote for this bill, and thanks to today’s vote they will have a chance. However, the fight to make the human trafficking of a child a serious felony is not yet finished and I urge every Californian to stay engaged until the bill is signed into law.”
Senate Bill 14 will next be heard by the full Assembly sometime before the legislature adjourns for the year on September 14.

Senator Shannon Grove represents California’s 12th Senate District which encompasses large portions of Fresno, Kern, and Tulare Counties. Follow @ShannonGroveCA on Facebook, Twitter and X (Formerly Twitter) for legislative updates.