January Youth Enrichment Service (YES) Collaborative Hears Update from Superintendent Dr. Ben Churchill


By TR Robertson
Dr. Ben Churchill, Superintendent of the Carlsbad Unified School District, presented a midyear update of the accomplishments and goals of the district to the attendees at this month’s YES Collaborative. He began with a power point presentation that highlighted this year’s theme of Moving Forward Together. CUSD is the fifth largest employer in the City of Carlsbad. The overall objective of the district is to provide extraordinary education in an inspiring environment. The Graduate Profile the District wants to accomplish is to have students that are Effective Communicators and Collaborators, Lifelong Learners, Critical Thinkers, College, and Career Ready Scholars, Ethical and Responsible Citizens, and Self-Directed Individuals. These goals are on posters hung in every classroom in the district. CUSD has over 11,000 students and 1,129 staff members. The high schools have a 96% graduation rate and were ranked #2 in the nation as a public school.

The district has around 20% of the school population that is disadvantaged assisted in a variety of ways. On the CUSD web site (www.carlsbadusd.k12.ca.us) is a Top 10 List those interested can go to and see a few accolades the district has accomplished over the years. These include an Award-Winning District, Award Winning Schools, Award Winning Staff, Award Winning Programs, Championship Teams, Outstanding Graduates, National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists, Construction Milestones (beginning Phase 2), Safety Milestones, and New Board Leadership. Specific details are listed for each one. The Carlsbad Unified Connections weekly newsletter is also a good way to say connected with what is going on in the schools around the district.

Dr. Churchill listed his three “Big Rocks” on what he would like the district to accomplish. These are Academic Achievement and Growth, Health and Wellness in the areas of Mental and Emotional – Physical Health – Campus Safety and Security, and Positive storytelling about what is happening in each school. One reference to test scores in the areas of English language and arts and math showed scores for students in higher income families scored higher on tests. Relating to Mental Health the district now has Elementary School counselors, Mental Health Therapy Wellness Together therapists for middle and high schools, a Mental Health Assessment system and a successful PALS program at Carlsbad and Sage Creek High School. Students also have access to a P3 Tip Line and San Diego County Crime Stoppers.

The Superintendent also showed sections of surveys students had taken both for Grades K-5 and Grades 6-12. For the sections we saw it showed for K-5, 89% of the students felt they were connected with their schools, 85% felt good about themselves, 84% felt the school climate was positive and 75% felt schools were a safe place. In Grades 6-12, 89% felt schools were safe, 80% felt there was a positive climate at the schools, 79% felt they had a connectedness with their schools and 74% felt they had a positive emotional mental health. Dr. Churchill pointed out that January 23-27 would begin the Great Kindness Challenge sponsored by the Kids for Peace. Both the program and the group began in Carlsbad Unified. All the schools will take part in this program. He also showed portions of the Career Pathways Technical Education Plan Handbook used in middle schools and high schools.

The Mission of YES is to be instrumental in creating a positive environment and safety net for young people in Carlsbad and the surrounding community to flourish and grow by collaborating with agencies and organizations that help young people thrive and resist negative influences. The February YES meeting will feature a presentation by Assistant Carlsbad Police Chief Christie Calderwood.
Upcoming Events:
Saturday, February 11 – 7-10 pm – Amped Music and Arts Throwdown – www.carlsbadconnect.org
Saturday, February 25th – 12-3 pm – Love Your Heart Community Fair – Ramona Library sponsored by Live Well San Diego
Hiring for Summer Camp Staff – sponsored by the Carlsbad Recreation Department and City of Carlsbad – www.governmentjobs.com/careers/carlsbad