Kids in the Garden Class: Recycled Art


The June 13th class is full but I’ll take Waiting List kids – if they don’t get in June, I’ll start July’s class roster.
Join Farmer Jones for this fun class! Time 10-12 noon, 2nd Saturday of month. Located at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, CA 92084.
Pre-registration required at or (760) 822-6824.

We will register 5 children only with one parent each, so we stay under the mandated gathering of TEN people. Reservations will be taken in order — as emailed or phoned in. Face masks required at all times. Sprayed disinfectant and new plastic tablecloths will provide sanitizing.

We’ll handle social distancing like the restaurants – wear masks, stay seated at your picnic table. Your table will have construction materials and a roll of tape.

Bring your own materials, too – meat trays, cereal boxes, egg cartons, paper towel rolls – I have plenty of TP rolls😉 and cotton that we’ve grown at the Gardens.

Farmer Jones will lead the session talking about trash and solid waste. Then we will make creative projects using things that we would otherwise throw away.

Class fee is $5 per person. You will pay Farmer Jones at the class. Class is FREE with $60 annual family membership in AVBG.
Alta Vista Botanical Gardens is at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive. Visit, facebook:

JOIN US for our class – you are welcome to stay and enjoy and experience nature after the class, hear the birds, hike around the 13-acre Gardens, marvel at the Ricardo Breceda sculptures – LIFE IS GOOD at the Gardens!

Nancy B Jones (760) 822-6824 “Farmer Jones” at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens
Grow with Nature