Join us to witness the highest tides of the Fall season when a new moon brings a King Tide to area beaches.
Save Oceanside Sand is hosting a King Tide watch party Saturday morning, November 6th @ 10am at Wisconsin Street. A 7.3-foot high tide is expected to peak at 10:17 in the morning, spraying The Strand with surf and stones.
All should be prepared to capture the event with their cameras. SOS is arranging for drone footage along The Strand to show how our beaches have disappeared.
Building better beaches by retaining sand with groins and a robust sand bypass system will help all enjoy our coast. The recent Sand Feasibility Study has proposed a pilot project of 4 groins along The Strand to study all the effects encountered.
SOS is circulating a petition which supports our effort to create sustainable Oceanside beaches. Currently, we have over 1,000 signatures from residents and visitors who support our cause. Hope to see you at the King Tide event to sign the petition.