Looking For A Good Dog Breeder


Looking For A Good Dog Breeder

Looking For A Good Dog Breeder

By: Alton Hargrave

If you are interested in getting a dog, you should be interested in dog breeders.

The safest place to get a new dog would be from a dog breeder. That gives you a history or insight of the prospective dog you are interested in. You can find dog breeders in the newspaper or online. If you see a great looking dog in public, you could strike up a conversation with the owner and ask where they got their dog. Try to verify the breeders reputation. There are several methods you can use to make sure the breeder is professional, reliable and can be trusted.

Ask the Dog Breeder for References.

A good, experienced dog breeder can provide you with references to some of his or her clients. Most people who have purchased a puppy from them would be glad to share their experiences with you. Of course, it would be even better if you locate past clients without being directed by the breeder. Not that easy, but word gets around, good or bad. Maybe some of your freinds or family have dealt with this breeder in the past.

Be Ready to Ask Questions and Expect to Answer Many Questions Yourself.

Good breeders are very interested in screening prospective buyers themselves. They want the puppies to go to good homes. Questions such as whether you have small children, size of your home and yard. Is the yard fenced? Have you ever owned a dog before? Do you already have a veterinarian? Can you or someone else spend the neccessary time with a very young puppy until the puppy is older? If a breeder fails to ask questions such as these, he may not care about the welfare of his puppies. Or, he may be having a hard time selling…a possible sign of other problems.

Is Price Important?

Of course! Price is important with anything you invest in. With some breeds, such as Yorkies, the price will range from a few hundred to many thousands of dollars. But, more money doesn’t always mean better dog. If you are getting into the dog show scene, you would need more expensive dogs. Most of us are not interested in showing our dogs. Compare prices to decide what your needs are.

Health Guarantees

You should get some sort of health guarantee before you buy. In writing. Most breeders give only a short guarantee for health due to the many deseases a puppy faces. That is why you should take your puppy to a good vet as soon as possible. Do this before your health guarantee runs out. You will want to get your new puppy any shots he needs. Choose a vet that keeps up with the latest information involving puppy innoculations. Some of the shots given in the past are not needed today and may even be harmful.

Good breeders will take all the time you need to answer your questions. Get everything in writing when you buy and follow your dog breeders suggestions. Remember, they have the experience.

Author Bio
Alton Hargrave offers advice and resources for those interested in dogs. His website, Dog-Daze.net contains honest information regarding all breeds of dogs, deseases of dogs and how to maintain your dog.

Article Source: http://www.ArticleGeek.com – Free Website Content


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