May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month


CARLSBAD-Calif. – May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, and the City of Carlsbad Police Department is partnering with the California Office of Traffic Safety to encourage the community to share the road and to “check twice for motorcycleriders.”
With nearly 900,000 registered motorcycles in the state, many road users are going places without the same protections as drivers. Motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a crash than vehicle occupants.
To help protect you and your family, keep the following tips in mind while driving or riding
• Always check twice for motorcycles. Both your mirrors and blind spots.
• Use your signal when changing lanes.
• Always keep a safe distance when following a motorcycle.
• When at an intersection, allow enough space before turning.

• Always wear a DOT compliant helmet and protective gear like gloves and leather clothing.
• Consider adding reflective tape to your clothing to make it easier for other drivers to see you.
• Always use headlights, even during the day.
• Don’t assume drivers see you. Signal well in advance, before changing lanes and watch for turning vehicles.
• Never ride under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs.

Remember, no matter how you travel, share the road and safely arrive home.

Funding for this program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

For more information
Officer Kyle Clement, 760-710-9118 or