Measure LL Vista School Bond Explained at Government Affairs Meeting VIDEO


The Vista Chamber of Commerce has a Government Affairs Committee. It is a gathering of civically engaged businesses and individuals who like to keep up on the latest developments and issues in our region. The committee meets each month and the following VIDEO is a presentation given by Dr.Linda Kimble, Superintendent of Schools, and Donna Caperton, Assistant Superintendent, Business Services, to the committee on October 4, 2018.

The purpose of the presentation was to explain Measure LL.

To repair, upgrade, equip classrooms, science labs, local school facilities supporting college readiness, career preparation, math, science, engineering, technology, skilled trades; repair aging classrooms/schools including deteriorating roofs, plumbing, and electrical; improve student safety/school security; shall Vista Unified School District Issue $247 million dollars in bonds at legal rates, raising approximately $13 million annually while bonds are outstanding, at a rate of 3 cents per $100 of assessed value, requiring citizen oversight, all funds are for local schools.

About the Vista Chamber of Commerce
The Vista Chamber’s mission is to facilitate activities, strategic partnerships, promotional and educational opportunities to benefit member businesses and remove barriers to successful business enterprises.


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