Meeting Regarding the Design of Recreational Elements at Park Site 1 at El Corazon


El Corazon is a City-owned parcel of 465 contiguous acres located in the center of Oceanside, bounded by Rancho Del Oro Drive on the east, Oceanside Boulevard on the south, El Camino Real on the west, and Mesa Drive on the north. An ongoing planning process begun in 2003 will eventually develop the site to contain a mixture of land uses: parks and recreation amenities, habitat, civic services, commercial, and hotel.

In late 2019, the City broke ground on a world-class aquatics center at El Corazon, which will provide competition-level amenities to serve Oceanside residents, school districts and host regional meets. Work is scheduled to be completed in the summer of 2021. The El Corazon Aquatics Center will soon join the programming at the El Corazon Senior Center and the beauty of El Corazon’s Garrison Creek Trail as some of the first community features developed at El Corazon.

Adjacent to the El Corazon Aquatics Center and El Corazon Senior Center is “Park Site 1.” The City is planning to apply for state grant funding to help develop this site. To ensure the community is involved in this process and to assist in strengthening Oceanside’s application, we encourage you to provide input on the design of recreational elements in Park Site 1 by attending one of three virtual community meetings. The virtual meetings will be held via ZOOM. Join us:

Thursday, January 21 at 4:00 p.m.; or

Saturday, January 23 at 11:00 a.m.; or

Wednesday, January 27 at 6:00 p.m.

Click this direct ZOOM link on chosen meeting date, or visit ZOOM and enter Meeting ID: 286 866 9573.