Missing Hiker Search Ends – Julian – Body was Recovered Underwater


The search for a missing hiker in Julian has concluded.

Volunteer divers with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department Reserve Unit found a body just before 1:30 p.m. on Monday, June 19.

The body was recovered underwater in the middle pool of Three Sisters Falls. This is the same area where the missing man was last seen on Friday, June 16.

For four days, deputies with the Alpine Sheriff’s Station, Julian Sheriff’s Substation, Sheriff’s ASTREA helicopter, CAL FIRE and U.S. Forest Service continuously searched for the man.

The water current was too dangerous for divers to attempt a search underwater until today. The body has been turned over to the Medical Examiner’s Office just before 4:00 p.m. at the trailhead. The M.E. will make a positive identification of the man, as well as determine cause and manner of death pending notification of his family.

The family is declining requests for comment or media interviews and is asking for privacy during this difficult time. A Sheriff’s family liaison lieutenant, a Sheriff’s Chaplain and representatives with Trauma Intervention Programs of San Diego (TIPS) have been provided to the family.

The U.S. Forest Service has reopened Three Sisters Falls. This trail is extremely strenuous, and it is not for beginners. Please use caution when hiking.

We thank all the volunteers who helped during the search operations. Sheriff’s Search and Rescue (SAR) is an all-volunteer unit. Together, they perform wilderness and urban rescues and search for missing and at-risk persons. Teams are available 24 hours per day to respond to local, state and federal agency requests. To learn more about SAR, visit: www.sdsheriff.gov/volunteer