NCTD Offers Free Rides to Commemorate Rosa Parks’ Birthday


Oceanside, CA – The North County Transit District (NCTD) is participating in the nationwide Transit Equity Day by offering FREE rides on all of its modes. This special day on February 4 is to celebrate the birthday of civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks. To commemorate all that Rosa Parks did for equality, NCTD is offering free rides on COASTER, BREEZE, SPRINTER, FLEX and LIFT – free for the entire day on Sunday, February 4, 2024.

In 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, Rosa Parks was riding home from a long day at work on a public bus when she refused to give up her seat to white riders so they could sit down. The actions of the 42-year-old activist invigorated the struggle for racial equality.

“Decades after Ms. Park’s bold decision, we must continue to advocate for accessible, reliable, and affordable public transportation for all,” said Jewel Edson, NCTD Board Chair and Solana Beach Deputy Mayor. “Offering free rides highlights the value of providing equitable access to public transportation.”

Free rides on Sunday, February 4, 2024, apply to NCTD modes of transportation only and does not include transfers to Metropolitan Transit System (MTS), or AMTRAK Rail-to-Rail services.

About NCTD
The North County Transit District is a public transportation agency providing over 6 million passenger trips in Fiscal Year 2022 throughout North San Diego County and into downtown San Diego. NCTD is designated as a rail common carrier by the Surface Transportation Board based on the movement of interstate commerce on the tracks and the Railroad of Record by the Federal Railroad Administration responsible for safety over the entire San Diego portion of the LOSSAN corridor. NCTD’s system includes BREEZE buses (with FLEX service), COASTER commuter trains, SPRINTER hybrid rail trains, and LIFT paratransit service. NCTD’s mission is to deliver safe, convenient, reliable, and user-friendly public transportation services. For more information visit: