Nominees Requested for 2019 MLK Service Award


The City of Oceanside is seeking nominees for the 2019 Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Service Award. This annual award honors residents of Oceanside who have made a significant contribution of time and energy to improve community life, promote positive community development, and enhance the lives of individuals and neighborhoods in the City. The award especially recognizes volunteer work and activity done outside of a work setting and over a long period of time. The award is named in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. in recognition of the contribution that he and others made to promote positive relationships between people, groups, and cultures.

Any resident of the City of Oceanside or Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton may be nominated for the award; there are no restrictions as to race, ethnicity, age or type of volunteer service. Photos of past recipients are displayed in the community rooms adjacent to the Oceanside Public Library. Nomination forms are available at City Hall, the Oceanside Public Library, and on the City Web site at

The deadline to return nomination forms is December 6, 2018. The 2019 honoree will be announced on January 21, 2019, at the annual Prayer Breakfast commemorating the life of Dr. King. For more information on the community service award program or to obtain a nomination form, call 760-435-3377.