Oceanside Beachfront Improvements Project Update


Oceanside’s Beachfront Improvements Project began construction in April 2020. Funded largely by a grant award of nearly $8 million from the State of California Natural Resources Department, this exciting project:

Constructs a new, wider staircase to include a landscaped viewing area

Constructs new restrooms

Builds a new sewer lift station. This moves wastewater from the new restrooms and residences along The Strand at the lower elevation to join the utilities on Pacific Street. Sewer work along The Strand was also completed.

Remodels the 1930s-era beach restrooms to serve as a new Police Department Substation

Constructs a building to feature north-facing storefronts for public services and store beach maintenance equipment on the south side. The foundation and walls are up on that structure.

The project is anticipated to be fully complete by Fall 2021/Winter 2022.