Oceanside Chamber Public Policy & Business Advocacy


The Chamber joined the Fight for Prop 13 Coalition. The coalition is spearheaded by the California Business Roundtable, which has been working to protect Prop 13 on a variety of fronts
•Oceanside Chamber CEO, Scott Ashton was among a group of business leaders that attended the SANDAG Board meeting in July to urge the Board to keep promises made to voters in the passage of the 2004 TransNet Extension. Story.
•Joined coalition in opposition to ACA 14, an Assembly Constitutional Amendment that would prohibit the University of California from contracting out for support services unless specifically “authorized to do so by statute and only to the extent necessary to address one or more of the following needs.” This will raise costs for the UC system and prevent them from using their budget in the most efficient manner. The restrictions on contracting would not only affect the university campuses, but any UC medical centers, clinics and laboratories.
•The Chamber-supported Brewery Igniter project passed Oceanside Planning Commission with a unanimous vote. The facility will provide an opportunity for entrepreneurial brewers to start a business without the costs and risks associated with starting on their own.
•Wrote letter of support for AB 1607, which will provide notice to businesses at the time they obtain a business license of the Gender Tax Repeal Act, in order to help educate and protect the businesses from predatory lawsuits.
•Chamber Board voted to support the Newland Sierra Project, a master-planned community that would bring over 2,100 much needed housing units to North San Diego County.
•In his role as a member of the Downtown Advisory Committee, Chamber CEO Scott Ashton supported the removal of density caps for mixed-used residential projects in downtown Oceanside.