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HomeUncategorizedOceanside City Council Candidate Poll about Sand Retention

Oceanside City Council Candidate Poll about Sand Retention

SOS conducted a poll of all of the current Oceanside City Council candidates for Districts 3, 4, and Mayor. All of the candidates who responded said they agreed that the economic importance of measures to restore Oceanside’s beaches through sand nourishment and retention is critically important to the economic viability of Oceanside.

They were each asked to state their plan to help mitigate the disappearing beaches in Oceanside in 25 words or less. Below are their responses:

Amber Newman – District 3
I would seek a scientific and environmentally friendly solution that would allow us to accumulate sand without disrupting the dynamic waves people come here for.

Shari Mackin – District 3
I support science-based regional and city sand replenishment programs that enhance or restore beach recreation using environmentally sensitive sustainable methods.

Kellie Davis – District 3
I am in alignment with the recommendations of our City Planners for sand retention and/or beach nourishment as ways to mitigate our disappearing beaches.

Ryan Keim – District 3
I will identify a viable sand replenishment/retention project, partner with neighboring cities to identify funding, and fight to ensure the federal government pays their fair share.

Michelle Gomez – District 4
As your elected representative I will prioritize developing a first-class climate action plan that focuses on cutting down on carbon emissions, preventing a sea-level rise.

Jane Marshall – District 4
To work with experts and their ideas from all perspectives and the Coastal Commission to work towards a short term and longer-term solutions.

Peter Weiss – District 4
I support replenishment and retention. I need to see the results of the current staff evaluation but we need to do much more than the annual harbor dredging.

David Joseph Turgeon – Mayor
Build 4 jetties to save our sand. Wisconsin S., Oceanside Blvd, Buccaneer, St Malo

Esther C. Sanchez – Mayor
I support regional and city sand replenishment programs as well as creative, environmentally sustainable methods such as the “living shorelines” program of Encinitas.

Fabio Marchi – Mayor
Replenish sand to our beach is a must, improve beach access and parking.

Rocky John Chavez – Mayor
We need to develop a plan based on science and build partnerships, e.g. Camp Pendleton.

Christopher Rodriguez – Mayor
I will go to whatever lengths possible to both maintain and replenish our sand. I don’t have the answer but I do have the will to advocate on a local, state and federal level. I believe there is a scientific solution that will both consider our environment and budget.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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