Oceanside Democratic Club Endorsement Meeting Coming June 22


Oceanside Democratic Club will host our latest endorsement meeting on June 22 starting at 8:45 AM

Local candidates are the priority. Many of these individuals do not have the resources to promote their campaigns. ODC believes it is essential that we make voters aware of these choices so regional issues in the November election may also be up for your endorsement vote.

To make this work, it is highly important that you attend and participate. As usual, we plan for these meetings to last about one hour. Each candidate will have a couple of minutes to tell us about themselves, and then we will vote on whether or not to endorse them after a brief discussion. The same will apply to any propositions or other ballot issues.

We promise to make this a fast paced, forward-moving meeting so you will not have the opportunity to fall asleep. Sign up here to attend the meeting,

We look forward to seeing you bright and early on Saturday June 22

And don’t forget we have the Independence Parade coming up on June 29. Not to be confused with the Fourth of July, we have an entry and hope you will consider joining us. It’s definitely a fun time.
Click here to Register for the June 22nd General Meeting
Click Here to Join or Renew Your Membership Today
ODC General Meeting AGENDA, Saturday June 22, 2024
Social Time – 8:45am
Call to Order – 9:00am SHARP
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes from May meeting
Approval of Agenda for June meeting
Electeds, Candidates and Announcements
Old Business
New Business
Adjournment; next meeting date July 20, 2024