Oceanside Homeless Shelter Update


To address the homeless crisis in Oceanside and to mitigate community impacts, the City of Oceanside is preparing for its first year-round homeless shelter. A property was purchased, construction costs were approved, and an operating agreement was signed with the San Diego Rescue Mission for the “Oceanside Navigation Center” at the centrally-located 3131 Oceanside Boulevard property.

Property improvements are underway; internal demolition is nearly complete and site furnishings have begun to arrive. Unforseen site issues have slowed some work, but construction is expected to be complete around the end of the year.

This Center will be committed to providing a safe, low-barrier to entry facility. Services are to include stabilization and supportive assistance to connect people to income, public benefits, medical and mental health services, permanent housing, rehabilitation programs, or other appropriate housing program solutions. This program will use a person-centered, trauma-informed care model. Renderings below..