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HomeUncategorizedOceanside Mayoral Candidates Rocky Chavez and Rob Howard VIDEO

Oceanside Mayoral Candidates Rocky Chavez and Rob Howard VIDEO

The City of Oceanside is divided into four separate districts for council member seats, and the Mayor will remain “At Large”. North County Daily Star is continuing to interview the Mayoral candidates. Below are the Video interviews for Candidates Rocky Chavez and Rob Howard.

Rocky J. Chavez

Former Oceanside City Deputy Mayor Rocky J. Chavez was born in Los Angeles and graduated from Torrance High School. He attended California State University at Chico where he attained his Bachelors degree.
Rocky was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps on June 1, 1974. Since his commission, he has served in all four Marine Divisions around the world. In his Marine Corps career he has risen from commanding three men in a Forward Observer Billet to being Chief of Staff for the 4th Marine Division. His last Billet was Assistant Chief of Staff for Logistics, Camp Pendleton.
Rocky is a graduate of the Air War College, Armed Forces Staff College, and Marine Corps Command and Staff College. He also attended Old Dominion University where he studied International Relations.
Rocky retired from the Marine Corps on September 1, 2001 as a Colonel and was first elected to the Oceanside City Council in November of 2002. He was also Chief Education Officer at SBT + the School of Business and Technology, a charter high school that served North County.
Rocky serves his community through a variety of civic organizations including: a Board Member of the Oceanside Chamber of Commerce (Member of the Year, 1999), Rotary, a Board member for KOCT – Oceanside Community Television (1999-2001) and the Women’s Resource Center Board of Directors (2001-2004). He is also involved with numerous youth programs and coached Varsity Wrestling at El Camino High School, 2000-2001.

Rocky and his wife Mary live in Oceanside and have three children. Temujin Tom Chavez is a Lieutenant Commander in the U.S. Navy and is a Graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School. He is currently assigned to Bethesda Naval Hospital. Regina Ann Chavez graduated from the University of California at Davis, received her Masters in Administration from Central Michigan State University and is currently working in Human Resources in Washington D.C. Sage John Chavez attended the Coast Guard Academy and graduated from Park University with a degree in Computer Science. For more info about Rocky J. Chavez go to:


Rob Howard

Rob Howard has been a nuclear operator for Southern California Edison at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) for over 30 years, obtaining Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) licenses on Units 1, 2 & 3. Rob also worked in the work control department developing and implementing work control packages intended to ensure plant maintenance and surveillances are performed safely.
Rob has served as a member of the California Public Utility Commission’s Diversity Council for over 10 years, working to improve diversity within the utilities in the areas of employment, procurement and philanthropy and governance.
Rob is currently president of the Utility Workers Union of America (UWUA), Local 246, AFL-CIO, and is responsible for responsible for the day to day operations as well as the Human Rights Advisor. Rob also serves as an Executive Board Member of the San Diego-Imperial Counties Labor Council.
Rob has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale with a specialization in Workforce Education and Development. Rob also received certifications in Human Resource Management and Personal Financial Planning from UC Irvine.
Rob is married to Michelle Howard and has 2 children, Jordan and Maya and a daughter in law, Brianna. For more information about Rob, go to:

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.


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