Oceanside MLK College Scholarship Applications Now Available


Applications for the 2022 City of Oceanside Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Program are now available at local high schools, at the Oceanside Public Library, and on the City website.
Any graduating high school senior who lives in Oceanside and will attend college after graduation is eligible to apply, regardless of what high school the student attends. The scholarship program has no racial, ethnic, gender or other arbitrary criteria; residency in Oceanside is the only requirement for application. Students may contact the scholarship coordinator at their high school for information about the program and application forms. The deadline for application submissions is April 13, 2022.

In 2021, the City’s scholarship program awarded $53,500 to 16 students, bringing the grand total of $960,500 given to 372 students since the first scholarships were awarded in 1993. All funds for the program come from community donations; no public monies are used for scholarships.

The 2022 scholarship recipients will be introduced to donors at the annual scholarship garden reception in May.

Call (760) 435-5042 or email mlkscholarship@oceansideca.org for questions about the program.