Oceanside Transit Center Redevelopment Project Community Meetings


The update for the Oceanside Transit Center redevelopment project. As we mentioned in our last update email, we’re launching a series of community meetings that will focus on the themes or project features people care most about.

Just a quick reminder that we’ll be kicking off these meetings on February 22 with Transit and Mobility – Part 1. This meeting will focus on NCTD, its plans for transit-oriented development, and how OTC fits into this regional priority. Part 2 will take place in March and will cover the specific OTC project features that enhance multi-modal circulation at the Transit Center.

Transit and Mobility – Part 1
Feb. 22, 4:00 – 5:00pm. via ZOOM
Please RSVP to receive the meeting link
You’re encouraged to submit questions in advance via email as well.

Transit and Mobility – Part 2
Mar. 16, 6:30 – 7:30pm
Civic Center Community Rooms (300 N. Coast Hwy)

Can’t wait till then? Contact us to schedule a one on one, small group meeting, or community group presentation with a member of our team

CEQA Scoping Period
Thank you to everyone who submitted comments during the Scoping period! The public Scoping Meeting was hosted on February 1 in the Civic Center Community Rooms. The 30-day Scoping Period, the public was encouraged to submit comments detailing the items they’d like to see analyzed in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR). During the Scoping meeting, the CEQA consultant reviewed the CEQA process and a project representative gave a brief overview of the plans for the Oceanside Transit Center. Click here to download the presentation slides. Following the presentation, attendees had the opportunity to make comments on CEQA related project topics.

Under CEQA, the EIR will evaluate twenty subject areas, including traffic, air quality, aesthetics, noise, population and housing, hydrology and more. The Draft EIR is anticipated to be available for public review this summer.