Oceanside Unified School District was awarded the Perkins V Grant


The Oceanside Unified School District was awarded the Perkins V Grant for the amount of $147,284. These funds are part of the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act. This grant offers OUSD a significant opportunity to enhance and expand our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs.

With these funds, we’re committed to providing professional development, materials, and resources that ensure our career pathways remain of high quality and aligned with current industry standards. Perkins V empowers us to help every student explore, choose, and follow meaningful CTE programs, leading to valuable credentials and successful career pathways.

As we continue to develop and improve our CTE offerings, we encourage our community to explore the videos, resources, and media available to better understand the opportunities Perkins V provides. Together, let’s continue “rethinking CTE” and setting bold goals for the future of our students.