Old Globe’s “Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B” a Comedic Twist on Sherlock Holmes


By TR Robertson
Playwright Kate Hamill’s fast-paced, witty, off-beat, dramedy, “Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B”, is a new look at the eccentric British super-sleuth, Sherlock Holmes, and his trusty side-kick Dr. Watson, on stage at the Old Globe’s Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre, except this version is seen through the eyes of an all-female duo off to solve another Holmes case filled with intrigue and mystery. Hamill has written other plays putting a new twist on other literary classics, “Dracula”, “Pride and Prejudice”, “Little Women”, and “Sense and Sensibility”.

Another unique feature of this play is it takes place in the 21st century, shortly after the COVID pandemic and it finds Holmes is a bit of a personal, professional fog, with no cases to investigate and solve and it finds Joan Watson as an American relocating to England to try and regroup emotionally after a personal struggle with her own profession. Watson’s arrival in London finds her at a boarding house, run by Mrs. Hudson who decides to put Watson with Holmes as a roommate thinking it might be good for Holmes. The two potential roommates seem nothing alike as they banter back and forth and Watson becoming more confused as time passes as she has a hard time understanding the antics of Holmes. Enter Inspector Lestrade, supposedly from Scotland Yard, with a case right up Holmes alley. This will lead to a murder investigation, a series of mysterious characters and some unlikely plot twists as the investigation draws to a climax, all with Watson being drug along, at times “fighting and kicking” with Holmes behavior. This twist on the Sherlock Holmes story is filled with over-the-top, funny performances and another interesting version of looking at the fascinating world’s most famous detective.

Holmes and Watson try to consol Jenn Harris, playing one of her many characters in the play.

The Old Globe cast for this play features three Globe veterans and one making her debut on a Globe stage. Playing the highly energetic, fast-talking Sherlock Holmes is Ruibo Qian. Qian flies about the stage, hardly ever standing in one place too long and always talking. She continually frustrates Watson, who finds herself becoming more and more interested in the crazy world of Sherlock Holmes. Joan Watson is played by Natalie Woolams-Torres, making her Globe debut. Natalie presents Watson initially as a “lost soul”, one of thousands that surfaced after the pandemic. She just wanted a change of scenery and a chance to experience new adventures but did not expect the “insanity” that Holmes first presents when they meet, and she certainly did not expect a dead body to be part of being in Holmes’ world. By the way, the dead body scene in the bathtub Watson is thrust into by Holmes is hilarious.

Nehal Joshi as Inspector Lestrade and Natalie Woolans-Torres as Watson

The other two members of the cast include Jenn Harris, who plays Mrs. Hudson, Irene Adler, Moriarty and others (including the dead body), keeps the audience laughing with her different characters, her tremendous facial expressions and her goofy range of voices. She will also play a major role in Sherlock’s solving of the case. Nehal Joshi plays Inspector Lestrade, Elliot Monk and others. Both of these actors are involved in numerous costume, character and voice changes throughout the performance.

Ruibo Qian as Sherlock Holmes (seated) and Natalie Woolans-Torres as Joan Watson.

“Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B” is directed by The Old Globe’s Resident Artist, James Vasquez, who has directed numerous performances at The Globe, including the popular “Dr. Seuss’s How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. His creative team includes Scenic Designer Sean Fanning, Costume Designer Shirley Pierson, Lighting Designer Amanda Zieve, Sound Designer Melanie Chen Cole, Fight Choreographer Ka’imi Kuoha and Production Stage Manager Marie Jahelka.

Yes indeed, “the game is afoot” at 221 Baker St. in the Sheryl and Harvey White Theatre in The Old Globe’s Conrad Prebys Theatre Center and according to Sherlock Holmes, everything is “Elementary”, but I think you will find it is an elementary like you have not seen before. “Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson – Apt. 2B” will be on stage until August 25th. Tickets can be purchased at www.theoldglobe.org or call 619-234-5623.