One Step Closer to New Veterans Memorial Park in Carlsbad


Following a more than two-year planning process involving hundreds of community members, we have a plan for Veterans Memorial Park, located near the corner of Cannon and Faraday. Some of the features include:

Rustic, nature-inspired playground
Group exercise areas
Family picnic areas
Native and interpretive gardens
Family-oriented bike park with interwoven loop paths and jumps
Trails around the perimeter and through the park, with connection to the citywide trails system
Plazas, lookout points and gathering areas

The Parks & Recreation Commission gave the thumbs up to the plan this week, and next the City Council will consider final approval, likely at the end of February. Building a new park is a big undertaking, so don’t dust off your mountain bike quite yet. Once all the approvals are in place we’ll have a better idea of the construction timing. We promise it will be worth the wait.