OP-Ed Yes on Measure L


By Bob Waite

As a long-time Oceanside resident, I am weary of hearing from the same people who are always fighting any change whatsoever in our city. Again, we see the “No Growth”, NIMBY regulars attacking a wonderful project that will bring exceptional value to South Morrow Hills, the surrounding neighborhoods, and the entire City of Oceanside.

“Yes on L”: North River Farms will preserve farming in Oceanside by providing an 88-acre organic farm, larger than 67 football fields. It will be run by locals, for locals. It will produce locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables for Oceanside, including U-pick orchards.

Unfortunately, as so often seems to be the case, some of these NIMBY’s include elected and appointed officials who have had the chance to improve conditions in the City, but consistently vote NO – rejecting projects that would benefit all of us. They have voted NO on road and traffic improvements, NO on evacuation route upgrades, NO on homeless programs, and NO on affordable housing. Again, and again, they have voted NO!

A Yes vote on L: North River Farms, maintains a farming community. In addition to preserving farmland, it provides millions of dollars for local schools and fire safety, affordable and diversified housing, and significant traffic flow upgrades and improvements. The South Morro Hills neighborhood definitely stands to gain the most. Our children and grandchildren will be able to go to the new Agricultural Education Center to learn about farming, and they will also have a safer community to live in.

I am voting YES on Measure L.

Bob Waite is an Arrowood resident and small business owner.