Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeVistaPala Vista/Civic Center New Park

Pala Vista/Civic Center New Park

In 2016, the City purchased the one-acre future park site at 234 Pala Vista Drive (at Civic Center Drive, north of Highway 78) to create more park space for residents and to improve one of the key entry points into the city. The project meets two City Council priority goals: 1.) decrease blight and improve the city image and 2.) add additional park space.

This stretch of Civic Center Drive has seen other improvements, including improved landscaped medians, the addition of a third southbound traffic lane to move cars to the freeway faster, and a new northbound right turn lane at Postal Way. In 2016, a Starbucks opened at the corner of Civic Center and Phillips Street, a block from the future park site.

The new park will include two children’s playgrounds, a tree climbing structure, natural turf space, benches/seating areas, water fountains, decorative security fencing, and public art. The park will incorporate Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access. The park project also includes the widening of northbound Civic Center Drive from Pala Vista Drive to Postal Way and the undergrounding of the utility lines along the park property.


March 23, 2021: The City Council approved the construction contract:.
September 22, 2020: The City Council approved the park design and plans for construction.
February 27, 2020: The city was awarded a $2.3 million Statewide Park Program grant.

Construction is anticipated to begin in summer, 2021
Completion is anticipated to finish in summer, 2022
PAL General Engineering, Inc with Dudek Engineering for construction management and inspection services.

The park designs are reflective of the input from residents and other members of the public.

Park Site Plans
Playground Equipment
Landscape Planting
City Manager’s Office
Amanda Lee, Assistant to the City Manager
P: 760.643.5200

Pala Vista Park is a Go says Vista City Council

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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