Palomar Will Stay With Remote Learning for Summer Semester


SAN MARCOS, CA (April 8, 2020) — Palomar College officials announced on Wednesday, April 8 that the college will extend the current delivery of courses remotely for the summer semester that begins May 26.

The decision was made as part of the ongoing effort to protect students, faculty and staff and comply with California’s social distancing measures during the nationwide COVID-19 crisis.

“This summer, Palomar College will continue to offer the instruction our students need to pursue their goals. We havemno choice but to stay in remote-learning mode, for everyone’s safety,” said Acting Superintendent/President Dr. Jack Kahn. “We look forward to another semester of student success, even under these unusual circumstances.”

Summer registration is scheduled to begin on Monday, April 27, and while state officials say the COVID-19 infection curve appears to be flattening, it remains unclear whether distancing measures will be eased soon enough to make a late-May return to campus.

“The entire Palomar community really rose to the challenge of transitioning to remote learning in a matter of weeks,and we’re confident that this strategy is helping keep everyone safe while we focus on serving our students,” said Dr. Kahn.

District leaders will continue to monitor the situation as it affects the fall 2020 semester that begins in late August.