Republic Services Will Take over Trash, Recycling and Organics Collection in 2022


Republic Services will handle trash, recycling, and organics collection and processing in Carlsbad beginning July 1, 2022, when the city’s current contract with Waste Management expires. The City Council selected Republic Services following a competitive bidding process for a 10-year contract. The city received two proposals, one from Republic and one from EDCO.

State law now requires cities to recycle organic waste, so one difference in service will be the collection of organic waste, which includes food scraps and other similar materials, combined with green waste. Republic Services will process organic waste and then provide mulch or compost back to the city at no additional cost to rate payers.

When it’s time, Republic will swap out collection bins at homes and businesses with new ones without disruption of services. Other services such as household hazardous waste and electronic waste disposal will continue to be offered.