Monday, March 17, 2025
HomeSan MarcosEventsResources and Programs Available to San Marcos Businesses

Resources and Programs Available to San Marcos Businesses

When it comes to serving the business community, the City of San Marcos is committed to raising the bar.

San Marcos city planners working to improve project processesWhen it comes to serving the business community, the City of San Marcos is committed to raising the bar. Since launching an economic development division in 2015, the city has taken several steps to become more business friendly.

San Marcos has made it clear they’re a business partner,” said Scotty Lombardi, Global Talent Manager for Hunter Industries, the city’s largest private employer. “We are now much more aware of what’s happening in the city around us.”

That’s largely because the city has also started actively bringing business stakeholders to the table. That includes working to educate them about resources and programs that could benefit their companies.

“There’s a wealth of information out there, but most businesses are so busy running day-to-day operations and don’t always have time to do the research,” explained Economic Development Manager Tess Radmill. “We see an opportunity to provide this as a service to our business community.”

In that vein, the city has created the following reference list of resources and programs designed to benefit businesses.

Radmill points out that the list should be seen as a starting point, because there are many more benefits available for certain industries and types of projects.

“If a business owner wants to discuss their specific needs, I’m always happy to assist,” Radmill added.

If you have any follow-up questions or would like to schedule a consultation, you can reach her at



The City of San Marcos has created a resource page for applicants going through the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process. This includes a list of city-qualified consultants who can prepare the environmental documents and related technical studies required by CEQA.

The North San Diego Small Business Development Center (SBDC) helps small businesses and entrepreneurs in many ways, including consulting, hosting workshops, assisting with access to capital and offering networking opportunities.


The California Manufacturers Advantage program helps small to mid-sized businesses grow by identifying opportunities and strategies for growth. This includes working with an advisor, networking, and information on how to best leverage incentives and funding.



San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)’s Technology Incentives program gives financial incentives when you install equipment to better manage energy use.


Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) grants funding for research and development that’s dedicated to clean energy.

California Hub for Energy Efficiency Financing (CHEEF) Pilot Programs was created to improve access to lower-cost financing for energy efficiency investments. There are several ways to participate in this program, which runs all year.

The CoolCalifornia Funding Wizard can help you find grants related to energy efficiency upgrades and rebates, with an emphasis on sustainable and environmentally-friendly business practices.



San Diego Workforce Partnership’s On-the-job Training Program (OJT) is designed to help businesses hire and train new employees who do not have yet have the experience needed for their work. The employer’s training expenses are paid at a rate not to exceed 50 percent of the wages the new employee earns during the contracted training period.


The Employment Training Panel provides funding to employers so they can provide training to their employees. Businesses determine their own training needs and how to provide training.



College Access Tax Credit (CATC) provides a tax credit to people and businesses who contribute to Cal Grants, the State’s largest source of educational financial aid. Cal Grants provide aid to in-need California undergraduates, vocational training students and those in teacher certification programs.

Manufacturing and Research & Development Partial Sales and Tax Exemption is open to those in the industry who purchase or lease certain types of equipment.

The Industrial Development Bond (IDB) Financing Program gives manufacturing and processing companies low-cost, low-interest financing for capital expenditures. This includes the acquisition of land, construction, renovation and the purchase of machinery and equipment.

California Research Credit reduces income or franchise tax, and is available to taxpayers who conducted qualified research activities, as defined by the state.

California Competes Tax Credit is an income tax credit for businesses that want to grow, as outlined by certain employment or project investment requirements, referred to as “milestones,” as part of the credit agreements.


The New Markets Tax Credit Program gives people or businesses credit against their federal income tax if they make equity investments in Community Development Entities, which are institutions that serve low-income populations.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit is available to employers who hire people from demographic groups that have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.

The Business Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC) gives the following rebates: 30% for solar, fuel cells, wind, 10% for geothermal, microturbines and CHP.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.


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