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HomeEntertainmentSan Diego Scottish Highland Games June 22-23, 2024

San Diego Scottish Highland Games June 22-23, 2024

When celebrating in times of peace one of the Highlanders’ favorite pastimes was the tainchel. For these “great hunts” very often several clans would combine. Chieftains would send word to the clansmen that such an event was planned and when and where they should assemble. After a successful hunt a great feast and celebration would be held. Then the rival clansmen would test each other’s prowess at various sports – running, jumping, wrestling, or primitive forms of weight putting with stones, or divided into roughly equal sides vying against each other in a very early form of camanachd or shinty.

Lastly the clansmen would vie with each other in piping and in dancing, the pipers taking it in turns to demonstrate their skills and the clansmen to demonstrate their agility and neatness of movement by dancing complicated steps to the pipe music. These relaxations were in effect the forerunners of the modern Highland games.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.
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