San Marcos Celebrates Bike Anywhere Week


The City of San Marcos’ Parks & Recreation Youth Commission is inviting San Marcos residents to celebrate SANDAG’s Bike Anywhere Week from May 16-22. Pledge to ‘Go by Bike’ and explore more than 1,644 miles of bikeways in the San Diego region.

Alternative transportation methods including cycling and walking can reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contributes to a healthy lifestyle. The City of San Marcos’ 63-mile trail network is perfect for cycling, hiking, running, and more!

The City is currently working on community improvement projects including the San Marcos Creek project and the Twin Oaks Valley/San Elijo corridor paving project which will provide improved bike lanes for residents who enjoy traveling on two wheels.

“San Marcos is a wonderful place to bike,” said Taylor Quach, San Marcos Youth Commission Chair. “The Youth Commission encourages people of all ages to learn about the many benefits that riding a bike provides for your health and the environment.”

Bike Anywhere Week 2021 includes bicycle activities for people of all ages. SANDAG’s iCommute program is hosting virtual events including bike yoga, fix a flat clinic and bike safety workshops. You can even find popular routes to ride and go on a self-guided adventure. The full list of activities is featured here.
How to participate in Bike Anywhere Week 2021:

Take the pledge: Pledge to GO by BIKE during SANDAG’s Bike Anywhere Week, May 16-22 and pick up a free t-shirt.
Log your bike trips in Love to Ride. Each trip you log will enter you for a chance to win giveaways.
Post a picture: Share a selfie in your Bike Anywhere T-shirt for a chance to win more prizes.