SAN MARCOS, CA – San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones announced the appointment of Councilmember, Mike Sannella to the position of Deputy Mayor, which was approved unanimously by the City Council.
“Mr. Sannella has demonstrated a proven track record of capable and effective leadership during his time with the City.” said Mayor Jones.
Deputy Mayor, Sannella highlighted the contributions from City leaders, past and present. “San Marcos has a long tradition of dedicated individuals who have served on the Council and have made significant contributions to our community’s success.” Said Sannella.
Deputy Mayor Sannella has served the community of San Marcos in various roles spanning more than two decades. Prior to being elected to the City Council in 2022, Sannella served on the Vallecitos Water District Board of Directors for eight years. He has been a resident of San Marcos since 1996 and has served the community as a City Councilmember, City Planning Commissioner, Vice President of the San Marcos Economic Development Corporation, and Vice President of San Diego County Crime Stoppers in that time.
“Mayor Jones has put forth an exciting vision for our city, and San Marcos is heading in a great direction,” said Deputy Mayor Sannella. “Thank you to my council colleagues for entrusting me with this responsibility. I am committed to serving diligently on behalf of the council, our community, and our residents, and I look forward to contributing positively in this role.”